
Get the latest from the Cool-Safe team and keep up to date with our mission to reduce the harm from synthetic refrigerants.


Streamlined Courier Collection Service

We've streamlined our Courier Collection Service for those of you who are 50kms or more from one of our collection sites.


What are you doing for World Refrigeration Day?

World Refrigeration Day is coming up on 26 June - listen to Andre van Dyk from EcoChill talk to The Hits radio station about why acknowledging our fantastic industry is so important. What are your plans to celebrate?


Second emissions reduction plan - consultation on advice launched

He Pou a Rangi Climate Change Commission has launched a consultation on their draft advice to inform the strategic direction of the Government’s second emissions reduction plan, covering Aotearoa New Zealand’s 2026–2030 emissions budget.


Meet our new Projects Support Coordinator

We're pleased to welcome on board Maria Lally as our new Projects Support Coordinator!


Govt takes more action to reduce carbon emissions

The Government is partnering with 15 more businesses to stop burning fossil fuels, resulting in the equivalent of taking 14,200 cars off the road, Minister of Energy and Resources Megan Woods has announced.


Climate Change Commission recommends NZ ETS changes to stay on track for meeting emissions reductions targets

Minister of Climate Change James Shaw has today released the Commission’s second annual advice on NZ ETS unit limits and price control settings, covering the period 2024 – 2028.


More collection dates available now

It's getting even easier to do the right thing.


Bounty Buy-Back incentive increases to $25 per kg

Based on the success of its six month trial, Cool-Safe is increasing its bounty payment from $15 to $25 (+GST)  for each kg of mixed refrigerant recovered from 1 April 2023. 


Free Nitrogen Pressure Testing Tool

In response to demand, the Gas Cylinder Mate app now has a Nitrogen Pressure Testing Tool available to help prevent refrigerant operational leaks on installs and repairs.


Join us at our regional roadshows!

Join our team, along with other local refrigerant businesses, organisations and partners, for a chance to come together, celebrate our industry, and understand more about the Cool-Safe mission at one of our regional roadshows this May.

Our impact

Results and performance

As Cool-Safe, we're aiming high with our numbers. Right up into the atmosphere. We'll keep you informed with the analysis as we progress. In the meantime, we've got stats on how much synthetic refrigerant we collected and destroyed as the Recovery Trust.