About us
What we do
Cool-Safe is the product stewardship scheme that collects and destroys synthetic refrigerants (sometimes known as F-gases) across Aotearoa New Zealand. The scheme is managed by the Trust for the Destruction of Synthetic Refrigerants.

Our Mission
We are on a mission...
... to increase the safe recovery and destruction of synthetic refrigerants and minimise harm to the environment.
The great news is that we can collectively take steps to reduce their impact today. We have the technology to move away from high Global Warming Potential Refrigerant to other solutions now – we don’t have to wait!
And here's how we'll achieve that mission.
Increase recovery and destruction of synthetic refrigerants.
Recovery and destruction has been voluntary so far - and not that straightforward. We're making it more worthwhile with an industry buy-back scheme, and better for NZ through our own destruction facility.
The Cool-Safe Buy-Back programme for businesses and organisations
Build New Zealand’s first plasma arc plant
Manage the leaks and releases.
It's essential that all synthetic refrigerants are contained and safely destroyed whenever an old refrigeration, air conditioning unit or other synthetic refrigerant-bearing equipment comes to the end of its useful life. It’s equally important to provide confidence that the right process is being delivered consistently, by people who know what they are doing, to increase the life span of equipment and protect people and our planet. So we're providing a Cool-Safe stamp of compliance to fill every gap.
Cool-Safe Recognition for organisations handling synthetic refrigerants
Cool-Safe Recognition of refrigerant technicians
Creating a pool of recognised refrigerant technicians and organisations
Be the industry Product Stewardship Organisation (PSO)
So far, collection recovery and destruction of synthetic refrigerants has been under the Recovery voluntary product stewardship scheme (the only one in New Zealand for refrigerants). The fact that it’s voluntary makes it harder to impose incentives for safe disposal and destruction of synthetic refrigerants - whether they’re positive like our Buy-Back programme, or negative in the form of substantial fines. But that's all about to change, with Cool-Safe in a leading role.
From voluntary to legislative product stewardship
Establishing a Regulatory Framework
Minimising the environmental impact of synthetic refrigerants
Inspire NZ to do the right thing
While we’re a tad nerdy about synthetic refrigerants at Cool-Safe, we’re aware that many Kiwis don’t know much about refrigerants and how they harm the environment. This isn’t something we’ll change overnight - but we have a dream.
It’s our dream that, one day, everyone in New Zealand will know enough about synthetic refrigerants to check that their home air-conditioner is Cool-Safe compliant, their technician is Cool-Safe certified, and their work-place systems are well-maintained by a Cool-Safe accredited organisation.
Over time, we’ll share all our knowledge and advice with the nation.