
Introducing Nick Tongue


Nick Tongue is one of our newest Trustees, who joins the Trust as a passionate advocate for our sector. We sat down with Nick to hear why he's joined the team.

Kia ora Nick, tell us a little about yourself:

 I started my career as a sales cadet at Panasonic New Zealand in Auckland. Over time, I moved through the company, taking on various sales and marketing roles while traveling across New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region, working with all divisions of Consumer Electronics. For the last 10 years of my 20-year tenure, I focused heavily on Air Conditioning and domestic refrigeration. I served as the Director of Consumer Products for 9 years before transitioning to my current role as General Manager of McAlpine Hussmann in 2019. Outside of work, I’m married with two teenage daughters and have spent over a decade as a director, coach, and mentor in the not-for-profit sports sector.


Why have you decided to become a Trustee?
I am deeply passionate about the HVACR sector and the crucial role it plays in all aspects of life, particularly in clean, green Aotearoa. I believe the industry requires strong leadership and guidance to ensure that New Zealanders have the best possible environment for the future. The Trust offers a platform for stewardship that will help shape a better tomorrow, especially by focusing on the removal of synthetic refrigerants. I’ve joined the Trust to contribute to this important journey.


What do you see as the major challenges and opportunities for the Trust in the next 12 months?
There are significant opportunities at the moment to drive swift, positive change that will set new standards for the future. The Government’s commitment to the product stewardship scheme provides a strong foundation for change. I also think that with the new destruction plant in Kawerau, (of which the Trust is a major shareholder), New Zealanders will be able to safely destroy harmful synthetic refrigerants locally, rather than exporting them. The key challenge will be reshaping industry behaviours to track and safely eliminate synthetic refrigerants here in New Zealand. However, this can be addressed through effective communication, education, and technology.


What feedback have you been hearing from the industry about Cool-Safe?
Industry members who attended the roadshows were very positive about the Trust’s direction, the steps being taken, and the investment being made. They appreciate the Trust’s leadership and commitment to educating the industries currently handling synthetic refrigerants. The feedback was also very supportive of the existing programs and incentives, with a desire for increased awareness and action across the HVACR sectors.


Given your background in the sector, how significant is Cool-Safe’s accreditation as the product stewardship scheme?
The formal accreditation of Cool-Safe as a product stewardship scheme is a highly valuable initiative supported by the Government, providing the sector with a more effective and compliant framework to destroy synthetic refrigerants. It allows for clear governance and processes that will drive regulation and encourage behaviours that are responsible, fair, and aligned with compliance standards.



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