For Industry

Refrigerant Buy-Back programmes

We've been disposing of New Zealand’s end-of-life refrigerants for almost thirty years. To date, an average of 35,000 kilograms per year of these synthetic refrigerants (sometimes known as F-gases) have been recovered collectively through the Trust’s collection network and Coolest Courier Collection service and shipped for destruction at appropriate offshore facilities. 

We're now able to support the industry by providing a financial incentive to reward those who are depositing end-of-life refrigerants at its collection sites, with an aim of increasing the amount of recovered synthtetic refrigerants across New Zealand.

We accept mixed or single stream HFCs, HCFCs and CFCs, through our Coolest Courier Collection service. Please note we require a minimum of 10kg to collect your gas. 

Bounty payments

Earn money for your refrigerants

In October 2022, Cool-Safe introduced two Buy-Back programmes to reward those companies and technicians who are doing the right thing by sending their synthetic refrigerants for destruction, and encourage more to do the same.

In May 2024, the Bounty Buy-Back programme payment increased from $25 per kg of recovered refrigerant to $40 per kg. The Bulk Refrigerant Buy-Back programme (200kgs plus) will attract higher rates of payment. All refrigerant collected will be destroyed. Please note we require a minimum of 10kg to collect your gas.

Contact us if you want to know more about the buy-back programme.

We’ll reward you for doing the right thing with $40 per kg when you book a courier with Cool-Safe.
Now that’s pretty cool.