
Get the latest from the Cool-Safe team and keep up to date with our mission to reduce the harm from synthetic refrigerants.


NZ ETS market governance framework

The Government has agreed to a staged approach to the development of a market governance framework for the NZ ETS, following consultation in late 2022.  


Co-funding for air-to-water heat pumps now available

The Government Investment in Decarbonising Industry (GIDI) is now offering co-funding for air-to-water heat pump hot water systems in commercial buildings.


Government announces updated NZ ETS auction settings 2023-2028

New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) auction settings have been updated for the years 2023–2028. This includes a reconsideration of settings decisions made last year, following settlement of a recent judicial review.


August prize draw - it's your choice!

Drop your cylinder* at one of our collection sites or return via Cool-Safe’s free courier collection in August, and you’ll go in the draw to choose a bonus reward for you and your team worth up to $250.


August collection site dates

Get your recovered refrigerant to one of our collection sites a few days before these dates in August, and play your part in looking after our climate, while earning rewards for your business!


Join us at our Tauranga regional roadshow!

Following on from our roadshows in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch last year, we've made it a priority to meet our refrigeration partners in the regions – Tauranga, this time it’s your turn!


All cylinders received - all proceeds reinvested in NZ refrigerants industry

Cool-Safe was the first scheme to offer you rewards for your end-of-life recovered refrigerant - and even better, we reinvest our proceeds back into the refrigerants industry here in Aotearoa New Zealand! It's a win-win for everyone.


Help us recruit the next generation

We're looking for representatives from across the refrigeration industry to help us develop a recruitment package we can use to encourage the next generation of superstars to take up a career in refrigeration!


New courses added to refrigerant fillers course schedule

Dunedin and Hawkes Bay are the latest regions to get new refrigerant filler courses added to the schedule this August by the team at E-tec.


New Dunedin Collection Site opening soon

We're set to open a new refrigerant collection site in Dunedin at Realcold's Anderson Bay premises from 10 July.

Our impact

Results and performance

As Cool-Safe, we're aiming high with our numbers. Right up into the atmosphere. We'll keep you informed with the analysis as we progress. In the meantime, we've got stats on how much synthetic refrigerant we collected and destroyed as the Recovery Trust.