
Get the latest from the Cool-Safe team and keep up to date with our mission to reduce the harm from synthetic refrigerants.


January Collection Sites Reopen Dates

Our collection and decanting sites are back up and running in January.


New partnership offers Fonterra farmers cheaper, cleaner refrigeration

Cool Group Limited, Fonterra, Purpose Capital, Cool-Safe and New Zealand Green Investment Finance join forces to present farmers a sustainable and cost-effective option to cool their milk


Women in HVAC+R Christmas Event

Cool-Safe is proud to be a sponsor of Women in HVAC+R's Christmas Event


F-gas Revision Passes ENVI Vote

As expected, the European Parliament’s environment committee (ENVI) rubber-stamped the European F-gas revision proposals, yesterday, voting 68 to 11 in support of the document.


Cool-Safe Annual Survey 2023 - your feedback

Thank you to all of you who shared your feedback with us in our recent (and inaugural) Cool-Safe Annual Survey. Your feedback is helping us to understand what's working well, what's not and what we need to do differently.


Future Forward - Cool-Safe main centre roadshows

Join us for our main centre roadshows this November. This year's theme is "Future Forward". Secure your place and register now!


RNZ: researchers call for urgent emissions cuts as Antarctic sea ice 'drops off a cliff'

Radio New Zealand has reported scientists are calling for urgent greenhouse gas emission reductions following dramatic Antarctic sea ice loss.


New Zealand meets its 2020 emissions reduction target

Aotearoa New Zealand has met its 2020 target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through a combination of carbon removals from forestry and international offsets.


Changes are coming to how national waste data is collected

The Government has approved regulations that will improve the quality and availability of waste data. The information collected will help them shape future waste reduction policies.


MfE carbon removals strategy underway

Work is underway by the Ministry for the Environment to develop a carbon removals strategy. The strategy will guide decisions about how we, as a nation, build a more diverse portfolio of activities that remove carbon dioxide from the air and oceans.

Our impact

Results and performance

As Cool-Safe, we're aiming high with our numbers. Right up into the atmosphere. We'll keep you informed with the analysis as we progress. In the meantime, we've got stats on how much synthetic refrigerant we collected and destroyed as the Recovery Trust.