
Get the latest from the Cool-Safe team and keep up to date with our mission to reduce the harm from synthetic refrigerants.


German Study of HFO and TFA Due in Early 2021

German Federal Government funds a research project that will study HFOs and TFA, with a focus on the refrigeration/air conditioning sector.


New Recovery Depot for Auckland

From Monday 30th November 2020, the Auckland Recovery Depot will be located at 5 Fisher Crescent in Mount Wellington.


New capacity for refrigerant recovery

To increase storage and collection capacity for the safe disposal of synthetic refrigerants, Recovery have recently added 18 new half tonne cylinders to decanting depots around the country.


NZ Government takes action on potent greenhouse gases

NZ Government tackles a leading causes of climate change by declaring synthetic refrigerant gases a priority product under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008.


Japan’s HFC emissions rise 4.7%

Latest figures reveal that Japan’s hydrofluorocarbon emissions rose by 4.7% in 2018 to 2.1 million tonnes, despite overall CO emissions falling for the fifth year in succession.


HFC decision “a victory for our climate”

A US Court has restored a prohibition on switching from ozone depleting substances to HFCs in a number of specific applications including large refrigeration systems in supermarkets.


China accused of refrigerant cylinder dumping

Worthington Industries has filed petitions alleging that Chinese manufacturers are dumping non-refillable steel cylinders on the US market.


Global efforts on ozone help reverse southern jet stream damage

International cooperation on ozone-depleting chemicals is helping to return the southern jet stream to a normal state after decades of human-caused disruption.


HFC refrigerants see out 2019 with further price declines

Prices of HFC refrigerants continued to fall in the final quarter of 2019, completing a year of price decreases from the highs in 2018.


Call to recover and destroy existing CFC bank

New report estimates that existing banks of CFCs, once widely used as refrigerants in airconand refrigeration equipment, could delay Antarctic ozone hole recovery by years.

Our impact

Results and performance

As Cool-Safe, we're aiming high with our numbers. Right up into the atmosphere. We'll keep you informed with the analysis as we progress. In the meantime, we've got stats on how much synthetic refrigerant we collected and destroyed as the Recovery Trust.