
Get the latest from the Cool-Safe team and keep up to date with our mission to reduce the harm from synthetic refrigerants.


African explosions send refrigerant warning to the world

Fatal accidents linked to faulty repair work on refrigeration and air conditioning equipment in Nigeria should prompt a swift response from the international community, according to the BESA


Published evidence supports very low yields of TFA from most HFOs and HCFOs

EFCTC has analysed the most current, peer reviewed scientific papers on the potential contribution of HFOs and HCFOs, containing the CF3CH= moiety, to existing and future TFA levels.


Study warns of long-term dangers of HFOs

A new study by the German Environment Agency (GEA) has identified long term environmental and health risks associated with the use of hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs).


Environmental impact of HFO refrigerants & alternatives for the future

Michael Kauffeld – a refrigeration technology expert & Mihaela Dudita – a chemist – assess the environmental impact of HFO refrigerants & present environmental benign alternatives for the future


Daikin develops more efficient refrigerant for electric vehicles

Daikin has developed a new refrigerant blend, which the Japanese company says is a more efficient alternative to R1234yf in electric vehicle HVAC systems.


Protecting the ozone layer saved the world over 2C of warming – study

Research shows that the regulation of ozone-depleting gases had a major, unintended bonus: the reduction in UV protected land plants across the globe


Reaching the end for F-gases?

Norway’s refrigeration and air conditioning association warns members that proposals to restrict per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances could signal the end for synthetic refrigerants in Europe.


New Independent Chair appointed

Strengthening Recovery Trust governance, Richard Lauder has been appointed in the new role of Independent Chair.


R466A confirmed as inert by Japanese refrigeration society

Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (JSRAE) recognises R466A, Honeywell’s lower GWP, non-flammable alternative to R410A, as a “new inert refrigerant.”


HFC prices stable despite increased demand

Demand for HFC refrigerants continued to increase in the final quarter of 2020, while prices remained relatively stable, according to the latest European price monitoring survey.

Our impact

Results and performance

As Cool-Safe, we're aiming high with our numbers. Right up into the atmosphere. We'll keep you informed with the analysis as we progress. In the meantime, we've got stats on how much synthetic refrigerant we collected and destroyed as the Recovery Trust.