
WorkSafe New Zealand is seeking your feedback on Hydrocarbon Refrigerants


WorkSafe New Zealand is currently developing a technical bulletin on the safe use of hydrocarbon refrigerants for those working with air-conditioning, heat pump or refrigeration equipment.

This bulletin is primarily to remind businesses and workers of the key legislative requirements and safety standards they must adhere to when using flammable refrigerants.

If you have a particular interest in this area, we would welcome your feedback on the attached document.

Submissions close at 5pm, Friday 16 September 2022. All submissions will be collated, and while equal consideration will be given to all feedback, there is no guarantee that suggested changes will be actioned.

To submit your feedback, or if you have any queries about this document, please email WorkSafe at  If you prefer to feedback via the Trust, please email Janine Brinsdon – CE on or call Janine on 021 337 870

Thank you for taking the time to consider and provide feedback on this draft guidance.


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