
New Independent Chair appointed


Recovery, the Trust for the Destruction of Synthetic Refrigerants, has applied to the Ministry of the Environment to become the Product Stewardship Organisation (PSO) for the future management of fluorinated gases. To strengthen Trust governance, Richard Lauder has been appointed in the new role of Independent Chair.

With degrees in chemical engineering, business and ethics, Mr Lauder had a long career as chief executive in New Zealand across a range of sectors but most recently in tourism. A chartered member of the Institute of Directors, Mr Lauder is now focused on governance with a keen interest in climate change adaption and mitigation.

“Refrigerants have such an important role to play in New Zealand” says Mr Lauder. “They underpin our food export capability, enhance food supply-chains from the farm, via the supermarket, to the home, and are in our heat pumps to keep our inside spaces warm or cool.

“Whilst they are so important, these gases also have very high global warming potential, so close management of refrigerants is critical to minimising greenhouse gas emissions. This is the challenge that really excites me about the role as Chair of Recovery.”

Recovery have played a big role in the collection and appropriate destruction of CFC, HCFC and HFC refrigerants on a voluntary basis and with the support of the refrigeration industry for almost 30 years.

See our Board for more details


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