
New Communication Manager joins Recovery Trust team


Excellent communication will be key to our continued and reinvigorated goal of protecting our environment from synthetic refrigerants, which makes our latest recruit all the more exciting to announce!

The Board and CEO of Recovery Trust, Janine Brinsdon, are pleased to welcome Janine Maher to the team as our Communication Manager.

Janine has had a varied career beginning in journalism before moving into strategic communication roles here and in England. Working within industries including health and aviation, Janine says she’s looking forward to putting her communication and engagement skills to use for the good of Aotearoa’s environment:

“The Recovery Trust is clearly in a very exciting and expansive phase, which of course will need to have great communications to ensure we all know where we’re going, why we’re doing it, how we’re getting there and what each of us collectively needs to do to reach our goals.

Listening and working together with our communities and industry colleagues will be key to making that happen, and I’m really looking forward to connecting with as many of our partners as I can over the coming months.”

Janine starts her role with the Recovery Trust in October.


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