
Help us recruit the next generation


One of the key topics we hear again and again when we talk to colleagues from across our industry is the need to look to the future and encourage more young people to get involved in our fantastic industry. So that's just what we're going to do!

Here at Cool-Safe we're keen to bring together a working group of representatives from across our refrigeration industries to help develop the story of just why working in refrigeration is so great, covering things like what a career pathway can look like and what kind of skills, interests and training you'll need to enter the profession.

We'll then turn that into a marketing campaign that we'll launch at recruitment and career expos across the country, as well as giving you all materials you can share with your networks.

If you're keen to get involved contact our Communications Manager Janine Maher below.



Welcome to our new General Manager- Operations

Join us in welcoming Megan to the Cool-Safe team


Investing in refrigeration tech- Hawaii

Island paradise leading the way in climate-friendly refrigerants