
F-gas and PFAS on symposium agenda


GERMANY: The forthcoming ASERCOM EPEE Symposium on the eve of Chillventa will include an update on the F-gas regulation and the planned restriction of the use of PFAS under REACH.

These are two of the topics from the Symposium’s programme to address the current major challenges the HVACR industry is facing in Europe and throughout the world.

A key note will be given by Tom van Ierland, the European Commission’s head of unit for the Montreal Protocol’s clean cooling and heating and digital transition, who will give an overview of the current status of the EU’s regulatory plans. Later in the day, his colleague Cornelius Rhein will present the status of the revision of the F-gas regulation.

Emilie Stumpf from Panasonic and vice chair of the EPEE F-gas working group will put the regulation in the context of the recently adopted EU energy strategy REPowerEU, while Dina Koepke from Emerson Commercial & Residential Solutions will present the current state of the discussions on the PFAS ban.

The morning session will look at sustainability issues, with topics including the procurement of raw materials and the challenges presented by the Ecodesign regulation.

Finally, the symposium will look at transition challenges around the world. Steve Yurek, AHRI, Tetsuji Okada, JRAIA, Greg Picker, AREMA, and Sandy MacLoad, HRAI, will provide an overview of current developments and challenges in the USA, Japan, Australia and Canada.

The ASERCOM EPEE Symposium takes place on Monday 10 October 2022 from 11:00 to 17:00 at the Nürnberg Convention Center Ost.

Further information and booking here.


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