
MfE consultation - submit your feedback by 18 December


Thank you to all of you who joined us for our recent Ministry for the Environment (MfE) refrigerant consultation webinars and a big thank you and shout out to our subject matter experts, Ministry for the Environment | Manatū mō te Taiao's Asti Laloli and Mitchell Clark, along with Matt Gough from Hanga-Aro-Rau Workforce Development Council and Adele Rose from 3R Group Ltd.

Pictured is our Chief Executive Janine Brinsdon presenting during one of our webinars, supported by our Collection Services Business Development Manager, Ben Fechney.

Don’t forget to submit your feedback to the consultation before 18 December - its proposals have significant impacts for us all!

Their plan proposes: 

  • a regulated product stewardship scheme for refrigerants

  • prohibiting the import and sale of pre-charged equipment when alternatives are available, which is expected to happen over the next 10 years.

Read more about their consultation and how to submit your feedback on the Ministry for the Environment website here.


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Investing in refrigeration tech- Hawaii

Island paradise leading the way in climate-friendly refrigerants