Synthetic vs naturals- Changes to international playing field
Synthetic vs naturals- Changes to international playing field
Join the Trust for the Destruction of Synthetic Refrigerants Board, along with He Pou a Rangi Climate Change Commission Chief Executive Jo Hendy, for a networking event on Thursday 25 May. It's your chance to hear more from the Commission about their advice to Government on the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme and their consultation on their advice on the NZ Emissions Reduction Plan.
Both sets of advice have significant impacts for the refrigerants industry.
More information on the Commission's consultation on the NZ Emissions Reduction Plan, including how to feedback, can be found here.
This event is complimentary and includes drinks and platters.
Thursday 25 May
3.30pm - 6pm (and beyond if you want to continue networking)
The Square - Stanbeth & Excelsior House, Level 1-3, 28 Customs Street East,Auckland
Synthetic vs naturals- Changes to international playing field
The Importance of Correct Training and Maintenance: