
Climate Commission set to consult on their advice for next emissions plan


He Pou a Rangi Climate Change Commission has announced they will be consulting on their draft advice to the Ministry of Environment for the next emissions reduction plan. This plan will include significant impacts for the refrigerants industry.

The Commission's consultation will run from 26 April until 20 June 2023.

The commission says:

"The transition to a low emissions and climate resilient society brings a mix of opportunities, benefits, challenges and costs. The effects – good and bad – will be felt by all of us. 

We understand that people are at the heart of policy. It's important that our advice reflects what the people of Aotearoa New Zealand are experiencing and care about. 

Our advice is based on research and analysis of different factors that can affect our emissions and the potential impacts and effects of climate change."

We'll keep you updated on how you can find out more and have your say.

More information on the Commission's plans for consultation can be found on their website here.


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