Contact Us
Get in touch with the Cool-Safe team
0800 134 410
Get in touch
Get in touch with any enquiries you have about Cool-Safe's vision for a better future and how we’re working to achieve it.
Janine Brinsdon
Chief Executive
021 337 870 janine@coolsafe.org.nz
Megan Dinsdale-Jones
General Manager- Operations
022 496 7942 megan@coolsafe.org.nz
Matt Hall
Account Manager
027 253 9255 matthew@coolsafe.org.nz
Maria Lally
Projects Support Coordinator
022 684 3029 admin@coolsafe.org.nz
Luana Scowcroft
Marketing and Communications Manager
022 0126 238 comms@coolsafe.org.nz
Katrina Bate
Customer Service Coordinator
0800 134 410 cs@coolsafe.org.nz
Nicky Kelly
Account Manager
0211614568 nicky@coolsafe.org.nz
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